Amanda Weedmark, Illustration & Graphic Design

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Eco Artwork Meets Sustainability : Spreading Awareness Through Environmentally-Responsible Clothing

How eco artwork can help spread awareness through environmental responsible clothing.

Everyday, each one of us has the power to make a statement, even without saying a word.

Everything we do, from the clothes we wear to a simple courtesy, can speak volumes about the convictions we have and also work to make every interaction both positive and beautiful.

And, these silent actions often have a greater impact than the loudest voice.

That’s why, in an effort to assist this ability, I’ve teamed up with 8 Billion Trees to design artwork that speaks volumes…silently.

8 Billion Trees Mission

As a social enterprise that is dedicated to carrying out reforestation efforts around the world, 8 Billion Trees is working to replace the forests our planet desperately needs for its survival.

Unfortunately, many crucial rainforest ecosystems and carbon sinks have been destroyed in the past few decades, negatively impacting the planet’s climate cycles.

But with a dedicated purpose, 8 Billion Trees and its partners are working to reverse that trend and rebuild forests using native seedlings and species that were removed.

Environmentally Sustainable Clothing and Eco-Friendly Fashions

In addition to planting trees, 8 Billion Trees also offers sustainable clothing and other ‘one-use’ items like sustainable bamboo toothbrushes and washcloths.

The eco-friendly fashions like their sustainable tees (including hemp blends) along with their Tree of Life jewelry combine to make a lovely statement about how important trees are which is something I deeply resonate with.

Growing up on the Pacific Northwest, trees were a big part of my life.

I've climbed up them, napped beneath them, stood IN them, watched them dance in the wind, and have observed wildlife thrive & be protected because of them. They offer such a wonderful escape from a busy world and are so integral to supporting biodiversity while keeping our soil, air, and water healthy.

What power!

Due to this passion for trees, and how beneficial they've been for me personally, I'm really drawn to creating artwork and working with companies that align with the value of conserving & planting more of them. In doing so, I hope to help create positive, impactful change on this Earth we all call home, and replace what's been lost for the benefit of future generations.

Every purchase made through 8 Billion Trees helps plant and protect trees in the rainforests around the globe.

The trees that are planted are designed to erase any emissions generated by the item’s production, and also go one step further to erase extra emissions with more trees that will remain protected long after your shirt has been relegated to the scrap basket.

Plus, by planting local species, they’re rebuilding animal habitats and ecosystems that are dwindling.

Global Impact…One Tree at a Time

By focusing on protecting and planting trees, they’ve been able to plant over 14 million trees, and they’re just getting started!

Knowing how important the world’s forests are at grabbing and neutralizing carbon emissions, 8 Billion Trees is working to help reduce the dangerous levels that currently exist, and their products help empower others to show their support.

Increasing awareness, restoring what has been lost and rebuilding a future that includes a healthy planet is just the beginning.

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