Meet Dust City Wood Stickers

My Newest Business Move: Meet Dust City Wood Stickers

Biodegradable Wood Stickers for Nature Lovers

Today I’m sharing a different kind of ‘spotlight’ for you; Meet Dust City Wood Stickers in Denver, Colorado. 

They make some really neat wood veneer stickers and support designers and artists from all over, featuring a new one every 2 months. Their wood stickers are made from sustainably grown and harvested wood so they’re an all natural product that will biodegrade. A cool concept for nature lovers out there!

The Business Side of Working as an Artist & Licensing

We initially met online while I was searching the web for environmentally friendly stickers to add to my collection, and happened to come across them through an Instagram account I follow. I inquired about getting some custom wood stickers made for my own shop, but instead they asked if I’d be interested in being a feature artist instead! 

Note for those interested in the field:
This meant they’d handle the selling and the inventory, and I’d handle providing artwork, receiving a royalty on each sale. This is what “licensing” is and it appealed to me since it lets me focus on what I love to do most, and forget about the rest! 

Feeling the Fear and Doing It Anyway!

I’ll admit, I was nervous! I’m still new to this side of the business as I never had the opportunity to do something bigger than a one-time event before. I worried that I was missing something, or that I was making the right call. It’s like they always say, “you don’t know what you don’t know!”

And sure, I may not enter into it perfectly, but I would learn and that would be OK! 

My best advice? You have to go with your gut and do your best. And that’s what I did. My gut was saying ‘yes’. Plus, I had already picked up a bit of knowledge from doing smaller licensing deals, and had also read quite a few books & other articles on the subject (I recommend Maria Brophy if you’re looking to learn!). With all of this in mind, I figured I had as much as I needed to know to make a sound decision. 

The AWeedmark x Dust City Wood Stickers Collection is Now Available!

After some back and forth on details and signing on the dotted line, we were in business! As of September 5th, 12 of my designs went live with more to be added soon! 

I’m really excited to be partnered with them as they offer a really cool product that is available all over North America. I encourage you to go visit their site, learn about their product, and support a North American business (and their artists).

Love the idea of eco-friendly, biodegradable wood stickers? Shop Dust City sticker designs here!